
Time for a cover moratorium - "Heroes"

With Peter Gabriel releasing a covers album that features a version of Bowie's "Heroes", I'm reminded of Leonard Cohen asking for a moratorium on covers of "Hallelujah". Obviously you'll never stop people from recording your awesome songs, but this is getting ridiculous. I'm a massive Bowie fan and a pretty big Peter Gabriel fan, but I gotta tell ya, after the disappointing TV on the Radio version last year, I'm not so sure even my favourite artists can do this song justice. I think I'll leave Mr. Gabriel and his covers album alone.

And Davey, can you please ask for a moratorium on "Heroes"? Thanks.

Check out the ever growing list here. This list of course, only mentions the more notable covers... let's not get into the countless bar band versions screeched out every Thursday night.

[The Official video] (Get ready for chills)

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