
Return of the Pink

Pink Floyd pig flies again to mark albums reissue

Apparently they're re-releasing 14 of their albums... I guess they want to get one last cash grab in before the physical media market for music completely tanks. To be honest I'd probably pick up the Animals reissue if it's an improvement over the original.

Geez, they're really going to town on this campaign. Check out all the details here on Wikipedia. I think I'll pass on the 7-disc version of The Wall though.


Anonymous said...

I liked this post before it had a title.

Adam Walker said...

I would like to have seen some more love given to an album like Meddle. The lack of an expanded edition of Animals is also a shame.


phatmat said...

@Anonymous I have your IP address :P

@Adam I wonder if there just wasn't enough decent stuff lying around from the Animals sessions.

They were practically a different band during Meddle... this whole reissue series reeks of cash grab, so I guess it's natural they'd favour the biggest commercial successes in their catalog