
Loving the new Girl Talk

How can you not?

This new album feels more organic than the previous two, but somehow he's managed to cram more samples into the album. Could be that it's like 20 minutes longer than either Feed the Animals or Night Ripper.

I also find that this one takes its time, allowing you to enjoy the interesting juxtapositions for almost a whole minute at a time, whereas the last two the best parts would last at most maybe thirty seconds. It's been pretty fun to see this guy's evolution of the past few years. If you haven't seen RIP: A Remix Manifesto, you should definitely check that out. Highly recommended.

It'll be interesting to see where Gillis goes from here... I'm starting to hear stuff he's sampled before. But maybe that's just his style, much the same way we expect Keith Richards to have a distinct style to his guitar playing. As the film above describes, we could be entering into an entirely new way to look at creativity... that is, unless those in power have their way.

Hat tip to Angry Robot (who has been supplying me with lots of bloggable bits lately) for sending me this site that lists all the samples on All Day in real time. Cool stuff.

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