
Being lazy & busy & lazy

Well, not actually being lazy.

Just busy, very busy.

That and also this: a couple months ago I added some extra security to my Google account. Surprisingly this has made me lazier in cases of dashing off quick posts about videos etc. at work.

Also this: I love NewsBlur. It's a great replacement for Google Reader, I've become quite attached to it. But it's a bit tougher to share links from there, as it requires an extra step. See the pattern here?

Is the Blogger format out of date? I keep thinking maybe I should switch platforms, but that strikes me as a lot of work. More laziness.

What I miss about frequently posting is getting thoughts on music down in some form. I've broadened the subject matter on the blog over the years - over seven years! - to give myself an opportunity to write about other stuff… but then again… laziness.

Get this though: I'm still listening to as much music as I ever have, but I'm just not bothering to post and share all this killer stuff. Lazy. Not necessarily new music, because I can feel myself reaching this "I likes what I likes" stage, which I'm enjoying more than I thought I ever would.

So I'm going to get back into more posting - I have a back log of ideas and great stuff you gotta hear.

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