Maybe a slight exaggeration, but the crowd's reaction is priceless.
The Daily Swarm - Watch: The Worst DJ Set in the History of Humanity...

Evolution of the Warner Bros logo
Time for a graphic design nerd-out.

Drake ~ Hold On, We're Going Home feat. Majid Jordan
Tight, solid drum sound, crazy good hook, and the best thing: Drake largely checks his ego at the door. Great song.

Indie 88
The fact that "indie" as a genre has reached a level commercial viability negates the core idea upon which the station markets itself. Indie has evolved from its origins as an anti-mainstream term into a vague genre into a mainstream radio format.
Apparently the station is eating the other so-called alternative station's lunch (CFNY/The Edge). I suppose if this continues then CFNY will have to dump their brand in a box and go with something else.
Here's a classic CFNY fan page, doesn't look like it's been updated in some time.

Northern Army Preservation Society of Canada
The 2011 Jays logo is wrong though, unless they're counting the November release. They didn't use it until the 2012 season.
Bell is a weird choice, I would have thought a classic logo would have been the go-to.

High Anxiety: Behind The Scenes Of Fucked Up’s Fourth Album
I'm not a huge fan of the music but I do find the band interesting.

Deep analysis of the Beatles
It's an interesting read because a lot of what he writes about isn't ever discussed. It's especially interesting in the context of the anniversary of the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan show... that this particular milestone is celebrated proves the notion that the group was style and marketing over substance.
The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time to read a page about such a trivial band.
I don't entirely agree with the analysis, but it is refreshing to read a piece that isn't anything but glowing about the Beatles. It's an example the worst kind of critical elitism - that the group has no merit because objective truth about what is 'good music' has no room for this pre-fab construction of a group.
He doesn't care much for Bowie either.