
The Doors sing the Reading Rainbow theme

Update: Apparently this video is no longer available so... Use the Googles, amirite?

Jimmy Fallon's got quite the career going with his music legend impersonations... this is great:

I really got into the Doors this past summer when I read Ray Manzarek's book, and I listened to most of their albums for the first time. I definitely got a new appreciation for the band and their music after that experience. They were a band I had a hard time taking seriously before, most likely because of their association with classic rock radio, and being played ad nauseum... but these guys were true art rockers, and were really immersed in the counter culture of the time. The group's name comes from opening 'the doors of perception', and one way to do that was by taking LSD.

So to see the above video, and the juxtaposition of a group whose musical journey was toward higher levels of consciousness, and the theme song for a children's show that did a bit of consciousness raising in its own way, is nothing short of brilliant.

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