
Late Polaris Prize recap

Good on the judges for picking Karkwa for the 2010 prize. My choices would have been Shad, Dan Mangan, or Radio Radio:

These guys blend English, French, and I believe a flavour of Acadian all into one unique hip hop sound... no word to rhyme it in French? Then use the English word! Brilliant. I was blown away when I heard this song, I thought it was fun and fresh. To be fair, I haven't heard the entire album, but could this group be the missing link between Anglo and Franco Canadian pop?

As for the other nominees... Caribou won last year so it wouldn't be fair (and sooo unCanadian) to give it to him this year, whether he deserves it or not... Owen Pallett already won it... Broken Social Scene doesn't need the buzz and would be the band most likely to receive a backlash from a win...

I don't envy the judges in any year, but it would have been tough as hell with a loaded bill of talent. I think the prize is a good idea, and at least it generates some level of conversation about some of the best rock music Canada, and indeed the world, has to offer.

You can find the entire performance on CBC Radio 3.

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