
Eye of a hurricane

Due to the fact I'm such a masochist, I've been waterboarding myself by reading Naomi Klein's latest tirade, "The Shock Doctrine".

One of the early passages immediately captured my attention, as I had one of those moments of crystal clarity and things began to make all too much sense. Warning: conspiracy theories ahead.

It all started about a year ago, when I uncovered this video:

Scary shit, if you believe it.

Anyway, the part that really freaked me out is this:
Declassified CIA manuals explain how to break "resistant sources": create violent ruptures between prisoners and their ability to make sense of the world around them. First, the senses are starved (with hoods, earplugs, shackles), then the body is bombarded with overwhelming stimulation (strobe lights, blaring music, beatings). The goal of this "softening-up" stage is to provoke a kind of hurricane in the mind, and it is in that state of shock that most prisoners give their interrogators whatever they want."

Is it starting to all come together? Yeah. Yeah... The CIA started Facebook to collect data on your favourite music and compile a comprehensive profile of what music will drive you to "violent ruptures" and Rock You Like a Katrina.

I suggest immediately changing your favourite music on your Facebook, Myspace, Lastfm, etc. etc. to the music that you really hate. That way, when the CIA gets a hold of your profile, they will play the exact opposite kind of music when they are 'extraordinarily rendering', or 'reasonably searching and seizing' you.

Here are a couple suggestions - If you're a fan of Metallica, put down Mozart. If you're a fan of Mozart, put Metallica. If you're a fan of Miley Cyrus, consider yourself lucky, as there is no way that CIA would ever want to interrogate you. What would they get out of it? Your PIN? To get the $3 out of your account left over from your job at the Gap after you spent all your money on iTunes downloads and Red Bulls?

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