Eno by train

Monterey Pop Festival 1967
Some highlights for me were the Mamas and Papas, Simon & Garfunkel, and obviously Hendrix.
Get yourself some incense and a couple of pops and fire this one up, before the video is taken down:

Unbelievable rock photo archive
Scroll all the way down, it's fun to play 'name the artist'.
[via NIN Hotline]

Rocking Out On A 1926 Fotoplayer

Today in awful - Willie Nelson covers Coldplay
Who thought this was a good idea?
Part of the guy's appeal is his folksy, natural talents. If you listen to "On the Road Again", you can hear the charm in his voice. This cover smooths out all the edges and completely neuters what made Mr. Nelson so interesting in the first place.
Zero stars.

Can - Vitamin C
Side note - the YouTube page says they're playing tonight at the Sony Centre... when I saw that my jaw dropped. How could that be? Then I clicked on the link and it was actually Dead Can Dance playing tonight. Damn you, auto-ticket ads!

Pitchfork's People's List
I smell an iTunes playlist!

The Daily Swarm - Paul Ryan May Like Rage, But They Sure Don't Like Him...
The comment section is about as dumb and polarizing as you would expect.
15 things that bothered/didn't bother us about DKR
And a response:
15 Things That Didn’t Bother Us About The Dark Knight Rises
The responses seem pretty weak to me. I'm glad people liked the movie, but a masterpiece it is certainly not.
Tonight: Getting our smooth on with the Dukes of September
The setlists are looking pretty sweet too.
Not looking forward to the $15 beers, however...